Progress: 1 word, 8 letters and infinite possibilities.
Progress is what pushes you forward towards your ultimate destination. It advances you closer and closer towards your goals. Some think that progress has to be a gigantic leap, but really, progress is any small step you take in the right direction.
Along your journey, you may feel like you’re not progressing fast enough or keeping up with those around you. But we’re here to tell you that’s okay — because even if you’re only making a little progress, you’re still progressing.
Today, we’re sharing 150 inspiring progress quotes to help keep you motivated and moving forward. Start the Better Life Challenge today!
The 10 Most Popular Progress Quotes
Any way forward is progress. When you feel your progress wavering, take a look at these top progress quotes to help keep you motivated.
1. “Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress.”
— Alfred Montapert
2. “It doesn’t matter where you come from. It only matters where you are and where you want to go.”
— Dean Graziosi