What sets successful people apart from the rest of the world? What makes people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson tick?
There are a lot of things that contribute to success, like skills and intelligence. But one of the most basic and vital foundations for a successful life is consistently practicing daily habits.
What morning routines, to-do list tasks and healthy habits move the needle for billionaires, entrepreneurs and wealthy people?
That’s what we’re looking at here with our list of 60 habits of successful people. If you’re pursuing greater success, adopting just a few of these daily habits could change your life!
Start with the Better Life Challenge!
Before we get into the habits of successful people, first, let’s look at the difference between good habits and bad habits.
Good vs. Bad Daily Habits
Just as good habits can make a world of difference in a positive sense, bad habits can have an equally negative effect.
For example, eating healthy fruits and veggies is a good habit that will give you the energy and nutrients you need to feel your best. On the other hand, eating a diet filled with refined sugars and sweets is going to cause things like fat gain and extreme energy highs and lows.